The Days Are Long But The Weeks Are Short


As the long stretch before spring break unfolds, teachers, students, and families alike find themselves navigating through the fog of mid-semester fatigue. It’s that time when pencils mysteriously disappear, coffee becomes a staple food group, and planning periods turn into makeshift nap times for the sleep-deprived. In addition to the regular academic hustle and bustle, many families are also preparing for Pesach, or Passover, a significant holiday that commemorates the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in ancient Egypt. The holiday involves thorough cleaning of homes to remove all traces of Chametz (leavened bread products) and the preparation of special meals, adding an extra layer of busyness to an already hectic time.

Teachers valiantly try to keep their classes engaged. Students, fueled by equal parts post-Purim sugar and determination, soldier on through assignments as they daydream about the impending spring break. Despite the workload of Pesach preparations, families rally together, armed with calendars and color-coded schedules, to conquer the checklist of things to clean, order, prepare, and cook. It’s a delicate dance of coordinating carpools, packing lunches, and playing referee to sibling squabbles, all while trying to maintain a semblance of sanity amidst the spiritual significance of the upcoming holiday.

As a famous philosopher once said, “The days are long, but the weeks are short...” It’s a sentiment that encapsulates this time of year. So, as the clock ticks down and the anticipation builds, remember to keep a sense of humor handy and a stash of chocolate within reach. After all, a little laughter, sugar, and those color-coded checklists might just be the secret weapons needed to survive the final stretch before Pesach break.

Miss Ginny Henry


Constant Strive To Grow

The Rebbe explains that it is important for educators to instill in their students the awareness that a person grows and matures, rising to higher accomplishments and not staying stagnant, similar to the physical body. This concept is fundamental for teachers to continue to implement and not tell children, “Now that you have reached your perfection for today, stop here until tomorrow.” The children must continue to work on themselves, increase their knowledge, improve their actions, behaviors, and so on. This outlook applies to holiness as well, with the student required to increase in their holiness each and every day, being closer to Hashem than the day before.

This principle is also exemplified in the classic question asked by parents when their child returns home from school, “What did you learn today?” This question is asking the student what they have learned today, compared to what they knew yesterday. Through the constant encouragement by both parents and teachers, children are able to continue on their path and growth to become greater members of their community rather than stay stagnant and complacent with where they are.

Highlights & Happenings


In 2nd and 3rd grade Social Studies class, the students had the exciting opportunity to participate in a mock presidency activity. As part of this engaging exercise, each student was tasked with writing their own candidacy speech. This activity not only allowed the students to showcase their public speaking skills, but also encouraged them to think critically about important issues and policies in which they would change. With enthusiasm and creativity, the students crafted compelling speeches, articulating their visions for a better society and outlining their plans for positive change. Through this mock presidential experience, the students gained a deeper understanding of the process and the responsibilities that come with leadership.


Throughout the month of Adar, the middle school girls focused on the theme of gratitude, recognizing its power to enhance our personal happiness. With daily gratitude journals, they focused on the idea that appreciating the things you have leads to real happiness. To celebrate their commitment, they headed to a special pizza picnic in Chastain Park. The girls enjoyed the beautiful weather and had a great time! Thank you Leah and Sara for leading this inspiring journey of gratitude and joy, in honor of the month of Adar.


The CMCH girls came together for an Pre-Purim Lip Sync Performance. With great humor and energy, each class performed a songs and choreography they had prepared. The first-grade girls stole the spotlight with an awesome student-led Purim play. The program ended with a lively dance party. Thank you goes to Leah and Sara for coordinating the event, as well as to all the dedicated morahs who helped their classes prepare creatively for their performances.


First Grade is working on a super important unit on Ahavas Yisroel, exploring various ways to express love and kindness through all their senses. Through class discussions and acting out scenarios, they are learning all the different ways in which Ahavas Yisroel can be shown. Morahs taught that just like a Torah is only complete and kosher if it has all its 600,000 letters, so too in the Kitah Alef class, every student is so important and counts, emphasizing the importance of unity and inclusivity, just like one big family where each friend is valued. To reinforce these ideas, they created a beautiful friendship banner and a “bucket filler” poster, where they document and celebrate the kind deeds and acts of Ahavas Yisroel performed by each member of Kitah Alef for one another.


The CMCH school community gathered once again on Purim morning to celebrate Purim together. We heard the Megillah, enjoyed seeing each other’s amazing costumes, and exchanged Mishloach Manos with one another. It was a morning filled with excitement and delicious Shalach Manos treats. Thank you to the dedicated organizers, Rabbi Sharfstein for reading the Megillah, and to our amazing CMCH families for your warmth and energy that creates our special school community.


CMCH families united once again, for our annual Unity Mishloach Manos PTA project, taking the opportunity to extend Mishloach Manos to each family in the school while also supporting the PTA and its efforts. Thank you to Mrs. Mussy Zakon and Mrs. Rozi Goldman for their exceptional coordination of this project, each Mishloach Manos was so beautifully prepared. Thank you to all the families who participated, and a special appreciation to the families who were Royal Sponsors, contributing to the success of the project and and spirit of unity that defines our CMCH community.


Displaying the diverse talents nurtured under the guidance of Leslie Price and Amanda Sagel, the artwork created by students of CMCH offers a glimpse into their creativity and artistic growth.

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Give Me Five Shout Outs!

HIGH 5's to the following students for showing Courtesy, Kavod (Respect), Hakaras Hatov (Gratitude), Consideration & Kindness.

👏 PEARL CHARYTAN AND LEVI GRONER: For often volunteering to help other students with missing work, always being prepared for class, and showing respect during instructions. ~ L. Sturisky

👏 ESTHER SHARFSTEIN: For being so helpful to Mrs. Ragland and Ms. Marisa by setting up the chairs every morning when she arrives!

👏 AVIV FLEISHMAN: For being ready to listen to instructions every day from Mrs. Ragland and Ms. Marisa! ~ M. Ragland

👏 LEAH GRONER: For staying behind for a while to hold the door open for her teacher.

👏 CHANA ANTOPOLSKY: For cleaning up even though it was not her mess. ~N. Freeman

👏 CHAYA ABRAHAM: For being polite and working hard. ~ L. Fernando

👏 ROAT MALLINGER: For being respectful and considerate to her teachers and peers.

👏 AVIVA KESSLER for always ready to help and being considerate to others. ~ Ms. Sofian

🎂 Mazal Tov!

Teacher Birthdays

4/18 Mrs. Zoica Sofian
4/20 / 25 Nissan - Rabbi Dovid Rahmani
4/29 / 30 Nissan- Rabbi Yale New

Student Birthdays

4/1 Dov Pawliger
4/6 Maor Asherian
4/8 Kovi Bukiet
4/11 Miki Friedman
4/15 Yaakov Bodnar
4/15 Yitzhak Bodnar
4/16 Rivka Raskin
4/18 Tzvi Lokshin
4/22 Chana Piekarski
4/23 Leorah Zavulunov
4/29 Roni Albo


Riddles of the Week

Riddle 1: This Parsha begins with the eighth day of the inauguration of the Mishkan. What two Torah laws does the Torah refer to as the “eighth day” and are still applicable today?

Riddle 2: Which FOUR pairs of brothers appear in this Parsha?

Place your answer in the box on Morah Nechama’s desk for a chance to win a prize.


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Thank You!

This week’s issue of the CMCH Connection is generously sponsored by JONA Seafood. JONA Seafood is available for purchase at Kosher Gourmet.


Embracing Second Chances


Joy is Contagious