Joy is Contagious
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, joy often takes a backseat to more pressing concerns. However, in education, joy is a fundamental aspect required to achieve our lofty goals, no matter how challenging the journey. This sentiment is beautifully encapsulated in the Megillah of Purim. The verse ליהודים היתה אורה ושמחה וששון ויקר appears when the decree against the Jewish people was undone, but before they had defeated their enemies. Why celebrate before they were even victorious? The answer is that they needed joy in order to be victorious. Joy isn’t the outcome of success; it’s what fuels it. As soon as they saw the possibility of success, they harnessed joy to fuel them forward.
Understanding the significance of joy in these contexts can greatly enhance the educational and nurturing experiences for children. Joy serves as a powerful motivator and facilitator of learning and growth. When joy is present, it creates an environment where children feel safe, valued, and eager to engage with the material at hand. Joy sparks curiosity, ignites creativity, and fosters a sense of belonging and connection. Whether in the classroom or at home, incorporating joy into daily interactions can transform mundane tasks into exciting adventures and mundane lessons into profound experiences of discovery.
Joy is contagious. As educators and parents, our enthusiasm and zest for life inevitably rub off on those around us. When children see us embracing joy, they are inspired to do the same. By modeling joyfulness, we teach children that happiness is not only attainable but also a worthy pursuit in its own right. This sets the stage for a lifetime of fulfillment and contentment. Purim teaches us that joy is not dependent on external circumstances but is rather a choice we make each day. By embracing joy, we tap into an endless reservoir of strength and resilience that empowers us to overcome life’s challenges with grace and optimism.
Have a joyous Purim!
Rabbi Isser New
Expressing Simcha in a Positive Way
The Rebbe explains that when a child is in a state of great happiness, the Yetzer Hara tries to interfere and entice the child to turn this joy into wild behavior, causing the child to lose self-control and become unruly. This wild behavior is the opposite of what is expected and appropriate for fulfilling Torah and Mitzvos. Children should be taught to remember that their Simchah should stem from and be centered around Torah and Mitzvos. By doing this, the child’s joy will not be questioned and will maintain their self-discipline. On the contrary, during times of great joy and personal satisfaction from belonging to Tzivos Hashem (Hashem’s army), the child should be even more careful than usual to follow Hashem's directives and fulfill their mission in this world. Therefore, even when a child is in a state of Simchah, if brought about by the right motivations, they will not forget to recite Brachos and perform other acts that help sanctify Hashem in the world.
Highlights & Happenings
Kita Aleph participated in a unique experience that will never be forgotten. The students got to play a variety of games, like pick a stick, bean bag tossing, and tic-tac-toe, with glow in the dark accessories, while reading blended and non blended words at the same time. Kita Aleph was so involved in the games, that they managed to read so many words while playing! It was an amazing way to review Kriah, through interactive games, making learning fun and engaging! Thank you Kitah Aleph Morahs for making learning so much fun.
This week, the middle school girls went on an exciting Pre Purim trip to Activate, a place filled with lots of exciting challenges. They spent the hour running around and working with their friends to beat different games and activities. “It was such an awesome trip,” Mussia Gurary shared,”I loved working together to win,” added Leba Friedman. This girls had a blast laughing, running, and winning together, making memories they’ll never forget! This trip definitely created a great Adar spirit and sense of camaraderie that will carry over into Purim and until the end of the year.
pi day
Pi Day was a fun and educational day at CMCH. Students got messy designing their most creative pies with play dough, while practicing mathematical concepts like circumference and diameter in a hands on way. The pies were all displayed at the front of the building, and winners were chosen, giving well-deserved recognition along with certificates to the winning classes.
Throughout the month of Adar and leading up to Purim, our school has embraced an array of dress-up days, each one bringing its own unique flavor to our hallways. From pajama day to crazy hair and hat day, and around the world day, students showcased their creativity through imaginative costumes, hats, and hairstyles. The school hallways buzzed with laughter and vibrant displays of creativity and individuality as we count down to Purim.
We kicked off March Mathness with two Faculty vs. Student basketball games. In the morning, the Flames, our girls’ basketball team, faced off against a team of teachers, resulting in a victory for the students. Later in the afternoon, the boys’ Flames played against the staff, narrowly losing by a point to the teachers. The energy, school spirit, and excitement were palpable out on the turf, where chalk lines mimicked a real court. March Mathness is off to an exciting start. This week, students will demonstrate their math prowess through tests on math facts, and we’ll keep everyone updated on the winners of March Mathness.
For Rosh Chodesh Adar, each class had the opportunity to make Hamantaschen in their classrooms, filling the school with Adar joy. The students had a blast as they rolled, filled, and shaped the dough, creating their own delicious hamantashen. Afterwards, they took their creations home to bake. The Hamantaschen turned out absolutely delicious. A special thank you to Leah Lipskier and Sara Silverman for their meticulous preparation of the Hamantaschen kits for each class, so every student could participate in this experience and for filling the day with Adar spirit.
The zest teachers appreciation week!
Thank you to our incredible PTA! It began on Monday with a delightful surprise of hand-delivered, fresh iced coffee and scrumptious muffins, setting a perfect tone for the week ahead. Tuesday brought another burst of joy with a lemon-themed buffet of cookies, treats, and desserts, accompanied by heartfelt and personalized notes, cards, and gifts from our thoughtful students. Wednesday brought everyone’s favorite part of Teacher Appreciation Week – a well-deserved sit-down lunch where parent volunteers graciously stepped in to watch over our classes. Then, on Thursday, we were treated to a luxurious treat as massage therapists arrived at the school, allowing us to enjoy much needed, relaxing and soothing, mid-day massages. We are overwhelmed with gratitude for the outpouring of love and appreciation we’ve received this week. A heartfelt thank you to all the parents who participated by sending in notes, cards, flowers, and volunteering their time to watch over classes. A special shoutout goes to the Teacher Appreciation Week committee – Shifra Sharfstein, Sara Loebenstein, Chaya Bukiet, and Miriam Udel – for preparing such a uplifting week for us all. Thank you!
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Give Me Five Shout Outs!
HIGH 5's to the following students for showing Courtesy, Kavod (Respect), Hakaras Hatov (Gratitude), Consideration & Kindness.
👏 Ahuva Edelson and Mussia Piekarski: For showing kindness and helping classmates with school work. — Mrs. Freeman
👏 Adi Menaker: For consistent courtesy and consideration. — Mrs. Freeman
👏 Eden Azulay: For being respectful and helpful. — Mrs. Freeman
👏 Ayala Afrah: For being kind and polite to her friends. — Mrs. Adelman
👏 Chaya Slavaticki: For helping her friend with her clean-up job. — Mrs. Jacobson
👏 2nd and 3rd Grade Girls: For demonstrating grace and courtesy to teachers and each other. For working as a team during instruction and class collaboration. And for being polite and respectful at all times. We are grateful for each one of them and very proud of such an amazing group! —Ms. Sofian
👏 Shai Asherian and Aron Zakon: For being considerate and kind to their classmates and teachers. — Ms. Sofian
👏 Meir Charitan, Kobi Friedman, Ben Barber, Chaim Gurary, Berel Jacobson, Mendel Hertz, and Emmanuel Udel-Newton: For helping others and keeping the environment in order. — Ms. Sofian
👏 Levi Army, Mendel Sharfstein, Yaakov Bodnar, and Elimelech Freeman: For working hard in the classroom while also being polite and respectful to teachers and students. —Ms. Liyomi
👏 Special Shoutout to Avraham Antapolsky: For being willing to lead the special Shema reading at 11:30am on 3/21/24. —Ms. Diamond
👏 Chaya Loebenstein: For looking out for her friends and helping them get band-aids if they get hurt at recess! —Mrs. Ehrenreich
👏 Rivka Raskin: For making sure to say please and thank you! —Mrs. Ehrenreich
👏 Menachem Schwartz: For working hard to do the right thing even if there are distractions! —Mrs. Ehrenreich
👏 Meir Charytan: For getting his work done early and beautifully. —Rabbi Ehrenreich
🎂 Mazal Tov
Teacher Birthdays
3/6 Ms. Gloria Armour
3/30 Coach Tony Hand
Student Birthdays
3/2 Ella Azulay
3/2 Chaim Deitsch
3/8 Ayala Afrah
3/8 Yaakov Siegelman
3/11 Musia Piekarski
3/12 Chanchy Charytan
3/12 Chaim Edelson
3/12 Chaya Mushka Freeman
3/20 Menachem Schwartz
3/25 Leba Friedman
3/25 Sholom Mentz
3/30 Yehuda Edelson
Riddles of the Week
Riddle 1: Aside from Moshe, who else
in the Torah does Hashem call out,
with the first word being “Vayikra”?
Riddle 2: What does a flour offering
(Korban Minchah) have in common
with the Pesach offering (Korban Pesach)?
Place your answer in the box on Morah Nechama’s desk for a chance to win a prize.
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