
Grade 9

  • Chumash: Selected Parshiyos in Bamidbar with commentary (Rashi, Ramban, Chassidus, and others).

  • Navi: Melachim

  • Halacha: Hilchos Kashrus

  • Language Arts: Students engage in 9th Grade Literature and Composition, developing critical reading and writing skills through a variety of texts.

  • Math: Algebra provides the foundation for future math courses, focusing on problem-solving and analytical thinking.

  • Science: In Earth Systems, students explore topics like geology, weather, and environmental science.

  • Health Education: Students learn about physical, mental, and social health to support their overall well-being.

  • Civics: In American Government/Civics, students explore the foundations of our government and their roles as informed citizens.

Grade 10

  • Chumash: Selected Parshiyos in Devarim.

  • Navi: Yeshayahu, Yirmiyahu

  • Halacha: Hilchos Shabbos

  • Language Arts: World Literature and Composition introduces global perspectives through classic and modern texts.

  • Math: Geometry.

  • Science: Biology dives into the study of living organisms and ecosystems.

  • History: In US History, students explore our nation’s story, starting with Native American cultures and progressing through major events up to modern history.

Grade 11

  • Chumash: Selected Parshiyos in Bereishis

  • Navi: Trei Asar

  • Halacha: Tefilla (laws and insights)

  • Language Arts: American Literature and Composition takes students on a journey through America’s literary heritage, from foundational texts to modern classics.

  • Math: Algebra II (Advanced Algebra) builds on algebraic concepts and introduces more complex functions.

  • Science: In Chemistry, students explore the properties of matter and the principles governing chemical reactions.

  • History: World History examines global civilizations, from ancient worlds in the fall to the Renaissance and modern developments in the spring.

Grade 12

  • Chumash: Selected Parshiyos in Shemos

  • Navi: Megillos

  • Halacha: Senior thesis on tracing Halachos from Tanach to modern-day applications.

  • Language Arts: British Literature and Composition explores timeless works from Shakespeare to modern British authors.

  • Business & Technology: This course introduces essential skills for navigating the modern workplace, including business concepts and technology applications.

  • Science: In Human Anatomy & Physiology, students study the human body, its systems, and how they work together.

Additional Topics:

  • Biblical History: From Creation to 1973.

  • Torah Sheba’al Peh: Gemara (Bava Metzia, Berachos, Megillah, Pesachim).

  • Chassidus: Tanya and Sichos (structured by chapters and years).

  • Mini-Courses: Jewish ethics, soul & afterlife, study skills, money matters, and more.