Embracing Second Chances
Next Wednesday, the Jewish community observes Pesach Sheini, the second Pesach, a day imbued with profound significance. This occasion, marked exactly one month after the first day of Pesach, serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of second chances, resilience, and our enduring connection to Hashem.
The origins of Pesach Sheini date back to the time when the Jewish people were in the desert, preparing to observe Pesach for the first time as a free nation. According to the Torah, only those who were ritually pure could partake in the Pesach offering. However, there were individuals who were ritually impure due to having come into contact with a dead body, and thus, they were precluded from participating. These individuals approached Moshe with a heartfelt plea, expressing their deep desire not to be left out of this pivotal mitzvah. They asked, “Why should we be deprived?” Moshe then turned to Hashem for guidance and received a remarkable response: anyone who was unable to participate in the Pesach offering, whether due to impurity or being too far, would be granted a second opportunity exactly one month later, on Pesach Sheini.
This narrative highlights the idea that everyone deserves a second chance, regardless of the reasons for their initial shortcomings. The individuals who missed the first Pesach offering had valid reasons—they were impure through no fault of their own. Yet, their determination and desire to fulfill the mitzvah were acknowledged and rewarded by Hashem.
Pesach Sheini teaches us a vital lesson: we too must never give up on bettering ourselves and our connection to Hashem, no matter the obstacles we face. Life often presents us with valid reasons for falling short of our goals—whether due to personal challenges, external circumstances, or unforeseen events. However, Pesach Sheini reminds us that these reasons should not deter us from striving forward and reaching higher.
In our own lives, it is easy to become discouraged by setbacks and failures. We might feel disheartened when we fall short of our spiritual aspirations or personal goals. Yet, the message of Pesach Sheini is clear: in the demand for more, we find it. By expressing our sincere desire to grow and improve, we open the door to second chances.
Pesach Sheini encourages us to reflect on the importance of persistence and resilience. It is a day that inspires us to continue striving towards our goals, even when the path is difficult. Just as the Jewish people in the desert did not accept their exclusion passively, we too must advocate for ourselves and our growth
Rabbi Isser New
Making Children Into Leaders
Many times, the Rebbe stressed the importance of training students in higher grades to serve as Madrichim (counselors) and Mechanchim (educators) to younger students. He emphasized that these roles should not merely be tasks, but opportunities to instill leadership, guidance, and educational skills in these children.
An additional advantage of this approach is that it motivates older students to deepen their knowledge and improve their behavior. Clearly, when students are trusted with the responsibility to mentor others, it enhances their motivation, encourages diligence, and helps them achieve their own goals.
By employing this technique of older students assisting younger ones, all participants benefit, leading to improved success for everyone involved.
5th grade girls worked hard over the past 3 years and finally completed the whole Sefer Bereishis! They’ve gained a huge amount of knowledge, skills and confidence in learning Chumash. They celebrated with a Siyum party on Wednesday. We are so proud of them for this huge accomplishment!
To celebrate the end of their middle school journey, the 8th grade boys went on an exciting graduation trip to Florida, led by Rabbi Jacobson and Avi Klein. They enjoyed delicious food from various kosher eateries that Florida has to offer. The thrill of learning to water ski at Ski Rixen, where they were pulled over the water by cables, was a highlight of the trip. Their adventure continued with a visit to the Museum of Illusions, and time enjoying the ocean and the pool. The day ended with in a mouthwatering BBQ. Thank you Rabbi Jacobson and Avi for chaperoning and for the unforgettable memories of friendship and fun.
The 8th grade girls had an incredibly fun 3-day graduation trip to Florida. They started with a visit to the artistic Wynwood Walls and a trip to the Museum of Illusions, followed by a delicious dinner at a restaurant. The next day was filled with adventure: the girls went boating and parasailing, followed by an escape room (they escaped!), a BBQ, and swimming at their Airbnb. They completed their experience the next morning with biking and rollerblading on the beach. A big thank you to the chaperones, Mushka Kesselman, Sara Silverman, and Leah Lipskier, and to the 8th grade for their courtesy and positivity throughout the trip!
Gathering as a school to watch the eclipse was an exhilarating experience that will be remembered for years to come. This rare event was made even more special as the school gave all the students safe eclipse glasses and taught them about the science behind the phenomenon, emphasizing safety measures. When the eclipse reached its peak in Atlanta, we stepped outside, glasses on, and marveled at the amazing sight. The excitement and wonder shared among students and staff created a truly unforgettable moment, celebrating the beauty and greatness of Hashem’s Universe.
CMCH students learned about their connection with Eretz Yisrael. In the first Rashi in Torah the struggle for Eretz Yisroel began. Every single Jew plays a role in this “war” wether it be physically or by increasing in Torah and Mitzvos which is the heart and soul of Eretz Yisroel. Students were excited to see a video of an Israeli Soldier thanking them for their Tefillah and tzedakah which CMCH students have increased daily for the safety and security of Eretz Yisroel.
After a very accomplished year of learning to read and write and mastering many other foundational skills, first grade is ready to end the year on a high by beginning to learn Chumash from inside the text. Their Chumash unit on the 6 days of creation, and is designed to teach them the foundational skills for Chumash. Most importantly, it shows them that by learning Chumash skills, such as prefixes and vocabulary, they can easily decode and understand what the passuk is saying on their own. This sets them on the path to becoming confident and competent students who love learning Torah. Mazal tov Kitah Alef friends and Morahs!
The Seventh and Eight grade boys in Rabbi Rahmani’s class were tested on 4 pages (2 daf) of Gemorah by heart. Rabbi Gedalya Hertz and Rabbi Yechezkell Edelson were the esteemed testing Rabbis. “The boys were able to answer the hardest questions and keep up with the rapid pace, even sometimes employing approaches that I had not thought of” said Rabbi Edelson. Rabbi Hertz added “Boruch hashem, the talmidim did a great job, and you can see the effort that was put in by students and teachers”. Kol Hakavod to Rabbi Rahmani and his Gemorah students and thank you Rabbi Hertz and Rabbi Edelson.
HIGH 5's to the following students for showing Courtesy, Kavod (Respect), Hakaras Hatov (Gratitude), Consideration & Kindness.
👏 ORLI AFRAH: For offering to help out Morah in the class and sharing with her friends. ~ Deby Freeman
👏 CHANA ANTOPOLSKY AND DALYA PINSON: For cleaning up more than asked.
👏 CHAYA RASKIN AND MILA SAGEL: For always acting politely and respectfully.
👏 YAHLI FLEISHMAN: For her enthusiasm in learning.
👏 AYALA SASSON AND AYALA AFRA: For outstanding good middos, gratefulness and courtesy. ~ N. Freeman
👏 MILA SAGEL: For voluntarily helping a friend catch up her work after she was absent.
👏 CHANA MENTZ AND CHANIE PIEKARSKI: For their Ahavas Yisroel when they invited a friend to sit next to them after everyone chose new seats when she was absent.
👏 MUSSY AMZALAK AND ABIGAIL TEYTEL: For having such focus and passion in their davening. ~ S. Adelman
Mazal tov Mussia Piekarski for her Bas Mitzvah
Mazal Tov Zelig Sharfstein for his Bar Mitzvah.
🎂 Mazal Tov
to our students celebrating their birthday this month:
1 Iyar- Berel Jacobson
3 Iyar- Chana Piekarski
6 Iyar- Abigail Teytel
7 Iyar- Roni Albo
9 Iyar- Omri Albo
9 Iyar- Dalya Pinson
14 Iyar- Sara New
14 Iyar- Rivkah Silverman
Riddles of the Week
Riddle 1: In this Parsha, which three laws refer to broken bones?
Riddle 2: In this Parsha, which law refers to the numbers twelve, six, two, and one?
Place your answer in the box on Morah Nechama’s desk for a chance to win a prize.
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This week’s issue of the CMCH Connection is generously sponsored by JONA Seafood. JONA Seafood is available for purchase at Kosher Gourmet.